Teredo Clam “Wormwood” Live Edge Spruce Slab
$ 285.00 $ 256.50
Locally milled & kiln dried. Sanded to 220 grit on one face. These have amazing bore channels that come from the notorious teredo clam. These saltwater clams spend their entire life span in these logs creating their tunnels, that rarely intersect. The raw stock logs (before milling) were originally used as boom surrounds in antiquated timber transport. These logs used to be left to rot in coastal towns before our supplier took it upon himself to repurpose them. Very unique stock, teeming in NW history. They would make a very interesting DIY mantel. The finished side is an average 8" wide but the unfinished side averages 15"wide
Item: 1142663-S
Location: Seattle
Rack: TEREDO 2
Quantity: 1
Thickness: 3 in.
Width: 8 in.
Length: 101 in.
Condition: Good